Week 1


"The will to win is important, but the will to prepare is vital." - Joe Paterno

Motivational clip

Upload your plan into this document - my plan


Map out your training

Run speed & effort


Activation routine

Pre session drills

Kit bag

Pre run stretch

Core routine

Home gym routine

Foam roll

Mobility / stretch routine

Self massage



Pre training daily journal
Pre run body check & activation
Easy run

Daily extras

Pre bed Journal

What I would do!

AM - 60 minutes @ 6.40-7.00 per miles
PM - 35 minutes very easy (slow as possible)



Pre training daily journal
Pre run body check & activation
Easy run with steady

Daily extras

Recovery option & psychology option
Pre bed Journal

What I would do!

Am - 70 minutes with 30 minutes in the middle at 5.50-6.00 per mile, the rest would be around 6.40-7.00



Pre training daily journal
Pre run body check & activation
Cross training option with intervals

Daily extras

Home strength & reocvery option
Pre bed Journal

What I would do!

Bike and turbo at home, swift session for fun or Zwift race.



Pre training daily journal
Pre run body check & activation
Easy run with hill strides (3-4 * 20 second hills) walk back

Daily extras

core routine & psychology option
Pre bed Journal

What I would do!

20 minutes easy
4-5 * hill sprints, focusing on technique, and power
20 minutes easy after the strides



Pre training daily journal
Pre run body check & activation
Warm up routine - 4 * 5 mins, with 2 mins jogging rest, each 5 minutes effort is 2 minutes marathon effort, 2 minutes half marathon effort, 1 minutes 10k effort (2mins rest)
5 minutes easy jog & then run 4 * 20 sec strides, pretty fast, these will progress in speed as the weeks go on, ideally you’d do these in the same place or on a track etc. Warm down routine

Daily extras

Recovery option & psychology option
Pre bed Journal

What I would do!

Full warm up, 15-20 minutes easy, drills, strides etc.
4 * 5 mins, 5.20 pace for 2 mins, 5.05 for 2 mins, 4.50 pace for 60 secs - easy 2 mins jog very slow around 7.30 per mile - 4 * 20 secs fast around 4.30 per mile for now.
Warm down routine



Pre training daily journal

Daily extras

Mobility routine & psychology option
Pre bed Journal

What I would do!

As it’s week one, I would place more value on resting for discipline and appreciating my body, but I would add in yoga etc. to help it recover.



Pre training daily journal
Long run with steady 8-10 miles total - steady portion of this long run can be 2-3 miles and so you can run 3-4 mile easy pace, then 2-3 miles steady (not marathon effort, but between easy recovery and marathon effort) you can also break this up if you like and add some recovery portions, ie 1 mile steady, 2 mins easy, 1 mile steady etc..

Daily extras

Recovery routine & epsom bath
Pre bed Journal

What I would do!

2-3 miles nice and easy 6.40-7 per mile, then id likely run the next 7 miles progressing from 6.40 - 5.50 as this is more fun, and it’s only week one so this doesn’t need to be super serious. This would also help the body adjust to the steady portion, but build good strength for the next few weeks.


Mara - Marathon effort

HM - Half marathon effort

MP - Marathon pace

HMP - Half marathon pace

Threshold - 60 minutes effort

Steady - a pace in between easy and marathon effort

10k - 10k effort

5k - 5k effort

Jog - Run your recovery at easy jog don’t walk, or stand still

Warm up - see video

Warm down - see video

Drills - see resources

Complete and Continue