Week one Marathon

Dashboard - Resources


Activation routine & some drills prior to hills (watch video on hills & how to execute) 5 miles run recovery pace - 6 * 100m hills @ 90% with walk back rest - 3 miles run recovery pace (watch video on easy run)

easy effort zone 1

2.Daily Extras

Pre bed journal

3. What I would do

Easy enough day
Then I'd run my hills fairly steady, and not 100%, knowing it's week one, and I'd be sore if I pushed 100%, so best to start a bit easier, and then 3 miles easy home.


Activation routine & some drills prior to hills (watch video on hills & how to execute)
10 miles run, mostly easy, but if you pick a run with hills it's ok for heart rate to drift up on hills.

2.Daily Extras

Core routine Pick a psychology option - meditation, present walk, or relaxed yoga - (watch video explaining)

3. Purpose / example

I would run a bit faster than easy pace, but only on uphill sections etc.. not reps, just solid running.


Activation routine before training Threshold intervals at LT2
5 * 2km @ LT2 - w 90 seconds rest. 6.40-45 per mile pace 4.10-15 or so per km

2.Daily Extras

Core routine
Pick a psychology option - meditation, present walk, or relaxed yoga - (watch video explaining)
Home yoga

3. Purpose/example

Now we're moving your fitness forwards.. some of the training helps you run for longer, and some helps faster. Today is a day for getting faster.


Activation routine 5 mins before training 8-10 miles run with 6 @ steady effort @ a decent effort, start at perhaps 8.15 per mile, and finish at 7.30 per mile would be a good day.

2.Daily Extras

Yoga routine

3. Purpose / example

I am a massive fan of steady runs, and I believe they create the difference between solid, or great results
Today I'd start pretty casual, easy pace, and run somewhere I know is free from traffic, people etc.. then the steady portion 4 miles about 6.10 per mile, in a few weeks this will be 5.50, and feel easier.


Activation routine 5 mins before training
Easy recovery today, this will either be a rest day or perhaps a day with a simple run without any stress on pace, or distance, for the psychology.

2.Daily Extras

Post run core routine
Psychology option, be present walking, meditation, reading etc. 15 minutes

3. Purpose / example

A nice introduction to mixed threshold
Simple focus on recovery


Activation routine 5 mins before training
Up and down tempo run.
Todays focus is an up and down tempo session between paces. 6 * 1 mile alternating 6.40 per mile, and 7.20 per mile

2.Daily Extras

Post run core routine
Psychology option, be present walking, meditation, reading etc. 15 minutes

3. Purpose/example

When you do alternating pace change work, you help your body improve threshold pace (and bring your two threshold paces closer together), but more importantly learn to recover at a good pace.


Activation routine before training
(practice drinks)
1 hour 45 minutes long run, but don't need to run this one fast, or steady etc.. just get 1 hour 45 minutes of running done.

2.Daily Extras

1 * strength routine - home gym 20 minutes
Recovery option Foam roll, self massage, treatment, ice bath, or epsom bath

3. Purpose / example

Get used to days like this, and be sensible, easy means easy, and build slow, this will help build to an important long run day.



Map out your training


Run speed & effort


Map out your training


Audio preview two


Long run fuel practice


Mara - Marathon effort

HM - Half marathon effort

MP - Marathon pace

HMP - Half marathon pace

Threshold - 60 minutes effort

Steady - a pace in between easy and marathon effort

10k - 10k effort

5k - 5k effort

Jog - Run your recovery at easy jog don’t walk, or stand still

Warm up - see video

Warm down - see video

Drills - see resources

Complete and Continue